Do You Doggy Stretch?

My family has been blessed with several beagles in my life. If you’ve ever been around a beagle when it rises from sleep, you will see it stretch down on its front legs and then back on its hind legs. And, of course, there is usually a look up to see if you will reach down and give a massage. Yes, we are well-trained beagle owners.

Beagle pup

Beagle pup (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Believers can take a lesson from this simple doggy act. Stretching our hearts and minds when we rise can awaken our soul to God’s plan for our day. My habit of spending time with God began with setting my alarm 15 minutes ahead. I started with a simple verse, a simple prayer. But it wasn’t long before I realized an additional 15 minutes was better.  Then another. Then another.

Now, I find whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, the attitude and discernment I receive during this morning stretch with God remains with me all day.

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Isaiah 54:1-3

What does your daily stretch look like?

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